Everyone has had moments of uncertainty. Where that one though, that one moment is just stuck in your mind playing over and over again. We’ve all been there.
Whether it is something from the past or it yet to happen, we quickly find ourselves obsessing over one tiny thought and end up turning it into something much worse. When in reality, no one else has even thought twice about it.
So, how do you get that negative thought off your mind? While there is no easy fix to keeping your mind clear, there are a few tips and tricks that can help you stop obsessing over something negative. Even for just a second.
Keep reading to find out more.
Write It Down
We know, everyone and their mom is suddenly journaling like they are in an early 2000’s rom-com. But there is a reason why it’s beneficial for our mental health.
When it comes to sharing our thoughts, they are too personal to share with others. Journaling gives you a safe space to share your thoughts, allowing them to free your mind and allow you to think a little more clearly.
You might discover that your mind is much less interested in dwelling than it was previously after one or two journaling sessions.
Remove Triggers
When you find yourself obsessing over one specific moment or person, you may find it beneficial to remove anything that reminds you of it.
For example, when going through a breakup, take any sentimental items and place them in a box. Place the box out of sight.
While you are not throwing away the items, you will not be continuously reminded of the emotions. Making it a little easier to move forward.
After all, out of sight out of mind.
This may also mean removing people who do not serve you from your immediate circle. This is a more intense measure but it may be necessary for your mental health.
Try Something New
When in a rather negative headspace, trying something new may be the last thing you want to do. But it can be just the thing to keep your brain busy and focused.
From taking a new exercise class to learning a new language, giving your mind something else to focus on allows you to find a moment of reprieve from the internal battle you feel in your mind.
This is especially great if you are looking to build up your skills for your resume. Or if you just needed an extra push to go to that dance class you have been interested in.
You can quickly emerge from whatever you can’t stop thinking about by engaging in meditation.
You can’t help but end the “spell” of compulsive thinking by forcing your brain to be present and concentrating intently on your breathing.
Additionally, when we can’t stop thinking about something, we are frequently not in the current moment at all.
Bring yourself back to the present moment and find some inner peace with a few minutes of meditation each day. As little as 10 minutes each morning can help you breathe a little easier throughout the day.

It is no secret that exercise is closely linked to mental health. Many work out solely for the benefits it provides their mental health.
From spin class to swimming, taking some time to better yourself is always a good idea.
You are also going to struggle to think about anything other than the sweat running down your forehead as the spin instructor makes you go faster.
As you workout your body releases endorphins, a hormone which makes us feel good both mentally and physically.
This is perfect for when you are feeling less than great as those negative thoughts plague your mind.
It is also a great way to make time move a little faster if the thoughts are time related such as test results or a doctor’s appointment.
Confide In A Friend
Often the worst thing you can do with negative thoughts is keep them bottled up. They need a release.
Speaking with someone may also help you understand why you keep thinking about a particular issue, and the ideas may eventually fade.
Whether or not you disclose the specifics of your thoughts, it can be beneficial to simply admit to someone that you find it difficult to put anything out of your head.
The stress that results from thinking about something you don’t want to think about is reduced.
Whether it’s a friend or a therapist, confiding in someone can bring you more relief than you would think.
When you are physically exhausted, a good night’s sleep can revive you. You might be surprised to learn, however, that getting adequate sleep can also help protect against mental exhaustion and emotional anguish.
Students and those with demanding careers often find themselves sleep deprived and see a rapid decline in their mental health.
Taking a nap or getting a full 8 hours sleep at night can allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and clear minded.
You find that you have found a solution to your plaguing thoughts or that they no longer seem as daunting as they were the day before.
It is also especially important to ensure you have had the right amount of sleep before making any life changing decisions. This ensures you are in the best headspace possible.
Final Thoughts
When you find yourself obsessing over one thought, it can seem almost impossible to change your thinking or to even distract yourself.
However, with a few simple steps, you may find yourself having even a brief moment of relief from what feels like an impending doom.
Whether you take a kickboxing class to distract both your mind and body, or tackle your thoughts head on by journaling there is something to help take your mind off whatever is troubling you.
There is nothing worse than feeling beaten by your own mind. Take charge and use these tips to help take your mind off those negative thoughts.