Hi there, my name is Mike Lloyd-Green and I’m an internationally certified NLP Master and Life Coach.

I’ve made NlpKeys.com to share with all of you the best tips, tricks and techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming and hopefully help you to improve your life in the process!
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” –
Dr Wayne Dyer
…NLP can help you in many ways:
* Overcoming phobias
* Gaining motivation
* Conquering fears
…and much more!
“Where focus goes, energy flows” –
Tony Robbins
I have always been fascinated by the human mind and I can remember even as a kid I used to go to sleep with a pair of earphones and one of those subliminal hypnosis audio tracks playing.
I don’t remember them having any effect except giving me a shock when I’d wake up in the middle of the night with someone speaking in my ear!
I use this example to show you the kind of mentality I had even way back then but life happened and this fascination of mine got pushed into the background.
That is, until about a year-and-a-half ago when I found a book that changed everything!
The book was called “Unlimited Power” by Tony Robbins and it was incredible!
It talked about the human mind and the power we have to control our emotions and how our thoughts create our reality.
For me though, the really exciting stuff was when he spoke about the tangible and replicable practices of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP for short).
But, to tell you the truth, the original reason I started to really get into NLP and Coaching had nothing to do with money…
It was actually for my daughter, I wanted to develop techniques and tools to control the internal reactions to external circumstances.

Throughout my life I’ve let external things really get to me and have suffered as a result.
I’ve always been a sensitive person and have been on the receiving end of bullying in my childhood…
This really affected me and I wish had the tools back then which this course has given me now!
I know I could have coped with things a lot better
I don’t want my daughter to suffer the same way I did.
I wanted to give her the tools to deal with those situations … To become master of her own mind!
I can honestly say I feel prepared to teach her that now.
And I owe a very big thanks to the INLP Centre course for that!
It has also taught me how I can control my own mind and I am so much more calm and collected in every situation as a result.
I have realized how many people could benefit from Neuro Linguistic Programming so I decided to create this website, NLPkeys.com, to share all the best Tips, Techniques and Reviews with everyone and by doing this hopefully help others to feel great about themselves too.
I truly hope you all have the same amazing experience with NLP as I have had!
I hope you enjoy my site NlpKeys.com and if you have any suggestions or requests don’t hesitate to click HERE to contact me 🙂
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